Blaine Podkowa is a MMA Fighter fighting out of Team Curran. He is a hot prospect in the Chicago MMA scene.
When you first got into MMA, who was the person you were looking up to as a role model?
That's a hard question. When I first started training all I wanted to do was become the best I can be. I didn't really have a role model in the sport. There are guys that I like, but I respect anyone that steps inside the cage or ring.
How much of a factor is mentality in a fight and why?
I think fighting is at least 50% mental, not only on the day of the fight, but the training alone breaks you down. It takes a very special person to get beat on everyday, and be able to keep coming back for more. If you're not getting beat on everyday, you are not training right!
What goes through your mind when you step into the cage?
When I step into the cage I think of nothing else but coming out with the victory.
What part of MMA do you think you need to work on the most?
The best fighters in the world are fluent in every aspect of the game. I need to work on every angle I can to be great. Once you stop learning, that's the time you need to step back and think, is this really what I want to do with my life?
You are 6-1 as an amateur and are very close to turning professional. Your next fight is on April 17, 2010. Are you anxious to turn professional, and do you think people turn professional too quickly?
I'm still an amateur. 6-1 is my record. I have 2 big fights coming up. One on April 17 in Lakemoor, IL and one on May 14 in Rockford, IL. After I beat some ass in these next two fights it will be time for my pro debut. I think many fighters go pro too fast and ruin their careers before they even start.
Is there anyone you would like to thank (coaches, family, sponsors)?
I would like to thank my family of course for all their support. My son Louis, love you bro. All of Team Curran, coaches, staff, and training partners. Also MMAFREEAGENT.COM and POSSE 11. Come out and support your boy. You will be seeing a lot of me coming soon!
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