Shane Garrett is a veteran mixed martial arts fighter who fought before mixed martial arts became popular.
How and when did you get into mixed martial arts?
After UFC 3 came to Tulsa, my brother in-law came home from the event talking about a skinny Brazilian named Royce(he pronounced the R) Gracie tying people in knot's. So, I checked it out at Blockbuster and was hooked!!!! Then I started watching Pancrase and any type of NHB (that's what us old-timers called it) I could find.
There is this new wave of mixed martial arts fighters all over the country that have only started martial arts because of the UFC. You, on the other hand, have fought a few years before the UFC became popular. What was the reason you decided to step into the ring/cage and fight?
I had always been bullied throughout my life up until age 17. That was another thing my brother in law helped me overcome. Then after watching the UFC's, it just progressed into something I wanted to do. It also helps pick up chicks.
According to Sherdog.com and mixedmartialarts.com, you took almost a 6 year hiatus between fights. Are there any particular reasons behind it?
Life happens is all I can say. But I can thank my wife for motivating me to get back in the cage one last time.
You haven’t fought in a year. Do you have fights scheduled in the future?
I actually officially retired a couple of months ago. I am teaching now at Extreme Combat and Fitness in Tulsa and look forward to helping others achieve their goals in MMA.
Besides mixed martial arts, what other hobbies do you like to do on your free time?
I am a full-time father and when that's not taking up my time I like to play Call of Duty MW2!!!
You have fought for a pretty big MMA promotion, HOOKnSHOOT. What was it like fighting for them back in the early 2000’s?
It was a great time!!!! I met a lot of great guys and a lot of guys that would go on to fight in the UFC. HooknShoot is pretty much the only reason I am known anywhere. Anyone who was ever there cannot forget the Lucky Lady or Jeff Osbourne staring at my wangbone in my silver pants. No homo on my part.
Is there anyone you would like to thank (coaches, family, sponsors)?
Bob Voss for being my first sponsor and helping me out when nobody else did. My brother-in-law Paul Day for helping me get my gear in the early days. I would also like to thank Cyco Submissions and Submission Soldiers. Jeff and Miguel with HooknShoot for making me a demi-legend. Aaron Riley for kicking my ass for 20 minutes and producing the highlight fight of my career. Mikey Burnett, and all the original Tulsa Lion's Den's guys. Troy Waugh for being my most reliable training partner ever. Beau "One Man Army" Taylor for helping me move onto bigger things after fighting. And every friend I have ever made in this sport.
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